I hope that you did not loose me...My move to Sweden is coming close with such a high speed, so I am preaparing all the documents for me and my rabbit, packing things (I almost forgot taht I have so much craft stuff at home...)...so now there is no time for crafting at all. I hope that after 17th of September I will have much time...will be kniting warm hats and scarfs as Sweden is not a Southern country :-)
Я стараюсь читать все блоги, которые у меня в ридере, но комментировать сил не хватает...Обещаю исправиться, когда все утрясется и я уже буду в Швеции.I am trying to read all the blogs I follow but have no power to leave the coments...I will improve for sure after everything is arranged and I am in Sweden :-)