Feb 12, 2012


Держалась-держалась и не выдержала...когда его почти уже все сплели, растаяло и мое сердце - это Луис, очаровательный морской конек от Fantasiabeads.
I was controling myself for a long time but finally gave up...when it was beaded by almost everyone around even my heart melted - meet Luis, a charming sea horse from Fantasiabeads.

Бисер у меня не по ключу из схемы, я его "слепила из того, что было", а любить Луиса будет одна моя подруга, страстная обожательница морских коньков.
I took beads not acording to the key in the pattern and made it out of the supplies I had at home, but anyway Luis will be loved by one of my friends, who is crazy about sea horses.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful sea horse Julia! You are very talented. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment for Caspers birthday. Unfortunately I accidently deleted your comment as I was using my I phone but I have replied to it in my comments. Thank you again.
    Hillary and Casper xx
