Закончила вчера ночью аппликацию "Песик на прогулке", размер около 33 х 33 см. Это будет маленький сюрприз моей подруге и коллеге для поднятия настроения. Пыталась сделать собаку немного похожей на собаку подруги, но думаю, что наибольшая схожесть получилась в форме тела :-)
I finished this applique "Doggie on the Walk" yesterday late at night, size is about 33 x 33 cm (13" x 13"). It will be a small surprise present for my friend and colleague as a cheer up. I was trying to make the dog look like my friend's dog but I think it is the body shape that came out mostly alike :-)
I finished this applique "Doggie on the Walk" yesterday late at night, size is about 33 x 33 cm (13" x 13"). It will be a small surprise present for my friend and colleague as a cheer up. I was trying to make the dog look like my friend's dog but I think it is the body shape that came out mostly alike :-)